
Directly call file select dialog from JavaScript. Get Back Promise File or FileList object. No more hacky hiding of <input type="file"> elements.


Release Notes

Latest version: npm

Detailed release notes for each version are available on GitHub.

Getting Started

There are two primary ways of adding file-select-dialog to a project:

  • Import it as a CDN package on the page
  • Install it using npm


For prototyping or learning purposes, you can use the latest version with:

<script src=""></script>

  function onClick() {
    const fileList = fileSelectDialog.fileDialog()

  <button onclick="onClick()">Button</button>


with Yarn

yarn add file-select-dialog

with NPM

npm i file-select-dialog

This module has no default export. It has a simple function.

import { fileDialog } from 'file-select-dialog'


By default can only select a single file and get a FileList object.

const onClick = async () => {
  // open file select dialog and waiting user selection then return FileList object.
  const fileList = await fileDialog()

If the multiple parameter is true, can select multiple files and get a FileList object.

const onClick = async () => {
  const fileList = await fileDialog({ multiple: true })

The accept parameter limit the selecable file types.

const onClick = async () => {
  const fileList = await fileDialog({ accept: '.png' })

  // multiple acceptable types
  const fileList = await fileDialog({ accept: ['.jpg', '.pdf'] })

⚡️ Advanced

If the parameter of multiple is false and strict is true, can get File object directly. Your editor suggest File object types.

const onClick = async () => {
  const file = await fileDialog({ strict: true })

  // Equal as below
  const file = await fileDialog().then((fileList) => fileList[0])